Protocol for high-throughput semi-automated label-free- or TMT-based phosphoproteome profiling
DebaryOmics: an integrative –omics study to understand the halophilic behaviour of Debaryomyces hansenii
This publication by the Martinez group at the Technical University of Denmark, presents the first global phosphoproteomics analysis in Debaryomyces hansenii, a non-conventional yeast considered to be a well-suited option for a number of different industrial...Proteomics of resistance to Notch1 inhibition in acute lymphoblastic leukemia reveals targetable kinase signatures
In this publication, the Olsen group highlights the potential of proteomics to dissect alterations in cellular signaling and identify druggable pathways in cancer. They identify protein kinase C delta (PKCδ) inhibition as a strategy to overcome resistance to Notch1...Evosep One facilitates rapid and comprehensive maps of the subcellular proteome and phospho-proteome dynamics
Dynamic change in subcellular localization of signaling proteins is a general concept that eukaryotic cells evolved for eliciting a coordinated response to stimuli. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics in combination with subcellular fractionation can provide comprehensive maps of spatio-temporal regulation of cells, but involves laborious workflows that does not cover the phospho-proteome level.