Inhibition of eEF2K synergizes with glutaminase inhibitors or 4EBP1 depletion to suppress growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells
In this publication by the Zacksenhaus group, they use LC-MS to investigate the global changes in the proteome following eEF2K and 4EBP1 knock-down in triple-negative breast cancer cell lines using TMT and high pH fractionation.Evosep at HUPO 2019
HUPO (The Human Proteome Organization) is an annual conference presenting and promoting proteomics through international collaborations, fostering the development of new technologies, techniques and training.
Evosep introduces a novel separation solution designed for clinical omics at HUPO 2017
Evosep aims to improve quality of life and patient care by radically innovating protein based clinical diagnostics. We will make sample preparation and separation for mass spectrometry analysis 100 times more robust and 10 times faster to enable truly large cohort studies and provide the foundation for precision medicine.