
Immunopeptidomics is an emerging field that combines proteomics and immunology to study MHC-bound peptides.

Discover how Evosep One accelerates discoveries, and support the understanding of immune responses and diseases.


Immunopeptidomics is an emerging field that combines proteomics and immunology to study MHC-bound peptides.

Discover how Evosep One accelerates discoveries, and support the understanding of immune responses and diseases.

Recent Technological advancements have evolved the field 

Immunopeptidomics is a rapidly evolving field at the intersection of proteomics and immunology, aiming to unravel the complex landscape of peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on the cell surface.

In recent years, technological advancements have revolutionized the field of immunopeptidomics, enabling high-throughput analysis of MHC-bound peptides. Innovations in mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, and sample preparation have significantly increased sensitivity and throughput, allowing for the comprehensive characterization of immunopeptidomes.

transition From specialized application to general applied field with Evosep One

Immunopeptidomics as a field has moved from the domain of just a handful of specialised laboratories to now being more generally applied by the proteomics and immunology communities.

The Evosep One combines high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with integrated sample handling, delivering robust and reproducible separations with minimal sample loss. Its unique capabilities make it particularly well-suited for immunopeptidomics studies, enabling researchers to analyze large sample cohorts efficiently.

This advancement has transformed immunopeptidomics into a versatile tool, fueling breakthroughs across immunity research, cancer studies, and disease biomarker identification, impacting diverse fields beyond its specialized origins.



DIS3 ribonuclease prevents the cytoplasmic accumulation of lncRNAs carrying non-canonical ORFs.

This comprehensive research study from the Centre for Proteomics (CFP) at the University of Antwerp focuses on the role of DIS3, a protein involved in RNA degradation, and its impact on various types of RNA molecules.

The study explores how DIS3 affects the accumulation and degradation of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), especially those associated with cytoplasmic and nuclear processes. Through a series of experiments and analyses the study tries to map the mechanisms by which DIS3 influences RNA stability, translation, and potential implications in diseases like multiple myeloma.

The use of advanced technologies like the Evosep One enhances the ability to analyze and understand the intricate processes involved in RNA biology and disease mechanisms.

Read full publication here


Fragment ion intensity prediction improves the identification rate of non-tryptic peptides in TimsTOF

The identification of immunopeptides holds significant importance when driving the progress of vaccine and immunotherapy research. Past investigations have demonstrated the potential of leveraging fragment ion intensity predictions during rescoring, leading to a substantial boost in the detection rate of HLA ligands 10–12.

in a recent publication from the Centre for Proteomics (CFP) at the University of Antwerp introduce a deep learning-based fragment ion intensity prediction model. They were able to analyse over 300,000 synthesized non-tryptic peptides from the ProteomeTools project using a timsTOF-Pro coupled to the Evosep. The data was then used to generate a dataset to fine-tune an existing Prosit model. 

The samples were analyzed using our 100 SPD method together with the Endurance Column 15 cm × 150 μm ID, 1.9 μm beads (EV1106, Evosep) and connected to a Captive Spray emitter (ZDV) with a diameter 20 μm.

Read full publication here 


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Advancing Immunopeptidomics: Leveraging Evosep One for High-Throughput Analysis and Discovery

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application note
Evosep One solves the proteomics dilemma – covering high throughput analysis and proteome depth
application note
end-to-end, fully automated digestion protocol and evotip pure workflow on the opentrons ot-2
application note
fully automated, rapid, robust sample loading on evotip pure with the agilent assaymap bravo
EVOSEP ONE: A Standardized Separation
Tool for Clinical Omics

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