Rapid and Accurate Detection of Aminoglycoside-Modifying Enzymes and 16S rRNA Methyltransferases by Targeted Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass
This publication by the Dekker group describes the development of an accurate and rapid targeted LC-MS/MS assay based on parallel reaction monitoring for detection of the most prevalent aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes and 16S rRNA methyltransferases in Escherichia...EasyM – A personalized MS-based assay to monitor multiple 2 myeloma disease assessment facilitated by the Evosep One
This publication by the Trudel group describes the development of a non-invasive MS-based assay, called EasyM, which is used to assess minimal residual disease, a measure of depth of remission to treatment, which has become an important parameter in assessing the disease burden in multiple myeloma.
High-resolution mass spectrometry
Facilitating early adequate therapy for patients infected by multidrug resistant bacteria calls for a novel precise and rapid diagnostic method as today’s resistance determinations are often slow and expensive.
Webinar: New research from the Exploratory Biomarker Assay Group at GSK
Senior Scientific Advisor Thomas Angel at GSK presents Targeted assay development for quantifying protein half-life over a range of mouse tissues. Take me to the webinar