Evosep webinar

a beginner’s guide to Evosep 

Available on demand

If you are new to our technology or just getting started this event is for you. We will introduce the basics of the Evosep One technology and include hot-from-the-lab data from our users. Nicolai Bache, Head of Applications at Evosep, will host the event, bringing you up to speed with the latest additions to the Evosep One technology.

The Evosep One is a plug-and-play standardized platform designed for robustness and high throughput. It has been designed specifically to address and eliminate the prevalent challenges associated with throughput and robustness of nano-flow LC-MS workflows while maintaining sufficient sensitivity and resolving power for clinical applications.

The Evosep One technology is centered around the Evotip and integrates sample preparation with LC-MS. The Evotip is essentially a disposable trap column in a pipette tip format with a small plug of C18 stationary phase at the bottom of the tip. The Evotips are used to desalt and clean up the samples prior to LC-MS analysis, however, the traditional subsequent steps of eluting, drying down, re-suspending the samples from tips are completely omitted and instead the tips are loaded directly into Evosep One for analysis.

The system uses four low-pressure syringe pumps in parallel to elute samples from the Evotip with a chromatographic gradient. The resulting gradient with the pre-separated sample is moved into a storage loop, that is then switched in-line with a single high-pressure pump and an analytical separation column for focusing. With this simplified workflow on pre-set gradients, the Evosep One offers a throughput from 15 to 500 samples per day.


A beginner’s guide to the Evosep One

Introduction and Talk by Nicolai Bache, Head of applications at evosep

The Evosep One technology is centered around the Evotip and integrates sample preparation with LC-MS. The Evotip is essentially a disposable trap column in a pipette tip format with a small plug of C18 stationary phase at the bottom of the tip. The Evotips are used to desalt and clean up the samples prior to LC-MS analysis, however, the traditional subsequent steps of eluting, drying down, re-suspending the samples from tips are completely omitted and instead the tips are loaded directly into Evosep One for analysis.


Clinical proteomics in the fast lane – Combination of robust LC, timsTOF based IMS-MS and GPU powered data processing

Talk by Allan Stensballe, Associate professor, Translational Biomarkers in Pain and Precision Medicine at Aalborg University

Mass spectrometrists who have been in the proteomics field long enough to be users of both early gel-free and gel-based strategies have learned to appreciate robust and fast analysis pipelines. As clinical proteomics projects now increasingly moves towards larger cohort studies and integration in multiOmics projects the stability and reproducibility of LC-MS to data analysis is imperative.  In this talk I will highlight our experiences, project examples and thoughts on use of clinically optimized and standardized workflows.

Antimicrobial-resistance detection with an EVOSEP One LC device online linked to an Orbitrap

Talk by Theo Luider, Head of Laboratory Neuro-Oncology, Clinical and Cancer Proteomics, Erasmus MC

We developed an LC-MS method to identify microbial resistance mechanisms in blood cultures for E.coli and K. pneumonia. Peptides characteristic for a specific mechanism were searched for and stable isotopes of these peptides were synthesized as references. After sample preparation with trypsin, we used EVOtips for sample preparation. Samples were run on an HF Orbitrap (Thermo Fisher Scientific) online linked to an EVOSEP One device. This method was able to predict for 27 resistance mechanisms in E.coli and K. pneumoniae strains grown in blood cultures compared to information of whole genome sequencing of these specific strains.

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