Evosep webinar

a beginner’s guide to Evosep 2024

Available on demand


If you’re just beginning with our technology or are in the early stages of learning, this event is tailored for you. We’ll cover the fundamentals of the Evosep One technology, along with the latest, directly-from-the-lab data shared by our users. Nicolai Bache, the Head of Applications at Evosep, will conduct the event, keeping you informed about the most recent enhancements in Evosep One technology.

The Evosep One is a standardized platform, engineered for both robustness and high throughput. It’s specifically designed to tackle and resolve the common issues related to throughput and robustness in nano-flow LC-MS workflows, while still achieving the necessary sensitivity and resolution needed for clinical applications.

At the heart of Evosep One technology is the Evotip, which seamlessly integrates sample preparation with LC-MS. The Evotip is essentially a disposable trap column in a pipette tip format, featuring a compact C18 stationary phase at the base of the tip. These Evotips are utilized for desalting and purifying samples before LC-MS analysis. Unlike traditional methods, there’s no need for elution, drying, and resuspending steps from the tips. Instead, the tips are directly inserted into the Evosep One for analysis.

The system operates with four parallel low-pressure syringe pumps to elute samples from the Evotip using a chromatographic gradient. This pre-separated sample, now in gradient form, is transferred to a storage loop, which is then switched inline with a high-pressure pump and an analytical separation column for focusing. Thanks to its streamlined workflow and preset gradients, the Evosep One can handle a throughput ranging from 15 to 500 samples daily.


A beginner’s guide to the Evosep One

Introduction and Talk by Nicolai Bache, Head of applications at evosep

The Evosep One technology is centered around the Evotip and integrates sample preparation with LC-MS. The Evotip is essentially a disposable trap column in a pipette tip format with a small plug of C18 stationary phase at the bottom of the tip. The Evotips are used to desalt and clean up the samples prior to LC-MS analysis, however, the traditional subsequent steps of eluting, drying down, re-suspending the samples from tips are completely omitted and instead the tips are loaded directly into Evosep One for analysis.


Proteomic Signatures of Human and Mouse Ovary and Ovarian Matrisone with Aging

Talk by Christina d. King, Scientist and associate director, Mass spectrometry center and proteomics core at Schilling Lab, Buck Institute

The female reproductive system is the first to age in the human body. This is characterized by decreased egg quality and quantity and increases the risk for infertility, miscarriages, birth defects, and developing ovarian cancer. To improve our understanding of how ovarian aging affects overall health, data-independent acquisition proteomic strategies were employed to study the human post-menopausal ovary and physiological aging in mouse ovaries. Samples were analyzed using an Evosep-One coupled to a timsTOF HT (Bruker). This analytical platform provided high-throughput LC-MS/MS acquisitions. We intend to provide insight into proteins that contribute to female reproductive aging and to develop biomarkers.

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