Evosep webinar

a beginner’s guide to Evosep 

available on demand

If you are new to our technology or just getting started this event is for you. We will introduce the basics of the Evosep One technology and include hot-from-the-lab data from our users. Nicolai Bache, Head of Applications at Evosep, will host the event, bringing you up to speed with the latest additions to the Evosep One technology.

The Evosep One is a plug-and-play standardized platform designed for robustness and high throughput. It has been designed specifically to address and eliminate the prevalent challenges associated with throughput and robustness of nano-flow LC-MS workflows while maintaining sufficient sensitivity and resolving power for clinical applications.

The Evosep One technology is centered around the Evotip and integrates sample preparation with LC-MS. The Evotip is essentially a disposable trap column in a pipette tip format with a small plug of C18 stationary phase at the bottom of the tip. The Evotips are used to desalt and clean up the samples prior to LC-MS analysis, however, the traditional subsequent steps of eluting, drying down, re-suspending the samples from tips are completely omitted and instead the tips are loaded directly into Evosep One for analysis.

The system uses four low-pressure syringe pumps in parallel to elute samples from the Evotip with a chromatographic gradient. The resulting gradient with the pre-separated sample is moved into a storage loop, that is then switched in-line with a single high-pressure pump and an analytical separation column for focusing. With this simplified workflow on pre-set gradients, the Evosep One offers a throughput from 30 to 300 samples per day.


A beginner’s guide to the Evosep One

Introduction and Talk by Nicolai Bache, Head of applications at evosep

The Evosep One technology is centered around the Evotip and integrates sample preparation with LC-MS. The Evotip is essentially a disposable trap column in a pipette tip format with a small plug of C18 stationary phase at the bottom of the tip. The Evotips are used to desalt and clean up the samples prior to LC-MS analysis, however, the traditional subsequent steps of eluting, drying down, re-suspending the samples from tips are completely omitted and instead the tips are loaded directly into Evosep One for analysis.


Ubuntu Proteomics: Maximizing capacity and improving throughput through standardized LCMS workflows and multi-site core facility integration

Talk by Dr. Ireshyn Govender, Researcher @ Molecular Diagnostics and Omics group, CSIR, South Africa Application specialist @ ReSyn Biosciences, South Africa

The role of a core facility is to offer services based on advanced technologies as well as lower the cost barrier associated with such analyses whilst further providing training to users in order to be able to apply cutting-edge techniques in their research.

To achieve this fine balancing act, we implement a set of common methods, QC procedures, as well as data processing and acquisition workflows across core facilities within an omics network in South Africa – Diplomics.

We will illustrate how the transition to Evosep One coupled with automated sample preparation is able to increase analytical capacity, lower cost per sample as well as improve the throughput and robustness of proteome profiles generated from biofluids such as urine and plasma.



Talk by Felix Elortza, PhD. Proteomics Platform Manager at CIC bioGUNE (Derio, Spain).

CIC bioGUNE Proteomics Platform has celebrated 18 years of activity. In our lab we interact with many different users: in-house groups, clinical groups, biotech companies etc. One of the most used methodological approaches is the nLC MS/MS.

It is one year now since we got hands on with the new chromatographical system Evosep One. This is on-line connected to a timsTOF Pro (Bruker). In our hands Evosep One turned to be extremely easy to operate and after thousands of analyses accomplished, we can declare its chromatographic performance is excellent.

The system happened to be fast, sensitive, and reproducible allowing us to speed up our proteomics pipeline keeping the best quality standards. Several key practical features will be discussed, and some example studies will be shown.

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