Evosep at Hupo 2023

We were thrilled to be back at the annual Human Proteomics Conference in Busan, South Korea, meeting with our colleagues, users and friends in the proteomics community. This year, we hosted an Evosep User Appreciation Event and a Breakfast Seminar. See the scientific presence below, and register to our single cell webinar.

New data and research

Get an overview of our new posters presented at HUPO 2023.



Pushing the boundaries for robust and high-throughput single cell
analysis with Whisper Flow technology powered by dia-PASEF


A complete and automated end-to-end sample preparation strategy for high-throughput and standardized proteomics with high sensitivity


Standardized and fully automated deep plasma profiling of plasma integrated with Evosep One enables large scale clinical cohort analysis

Single Cell proteomics

Available on demand

Join us as we uncover how Evosep One empowers researchers to investigate the proteomic landscapes within single cells, paving the way for new discoveries and innovative therapeutic approaches.


This year you can explore new research featuring the Evosep One at HUPO 2023.
Below you can find a complete list of all the submitted abstracts.

663 – Quantifying 1000 protein groups per minute of microflow LC gradient using data-independent acquisition (DIA)Neo, Mr. Jason, SCIEX
220 – Operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting the sensitivity and robustness of timsTOF platforms for proteomics studiesBlatnik, Dr. Renata, Bruker Daltonics GmbH
232 – Operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting the sensitivity and robustness of timsTOF platforms for proteomics studiesFatou, Dr. Benoit, Bruker Scientific LLC
801 – A complete and automated end-to-end sample preparation strategy for highthroughput and standardized proteomics with high sensitivityBekker-Jensen, Mrs Dorte, Evosep Biosystems
124 – Exploring the potential of transplanted colon organoids to mimic human physiology in mice using Deep Visual ProteomicsPost, Mr. Frederik, University of Copenhagen
633 – Single-cell Proteomics Methodologies on the Orbitrap Tribird Platform for Increased Throughput and Extended CoverageLee, Dr. Amanda, Thermo Fisher Scientific
249 – Novel Developments in Single-Cell Proteomics: Clustering Analysis of Human PBMCs and High-Throughput LC-MS/MS PlatformLi, Dr. Ziyi, Shanghai Applied Protein Technology Co., Ltd.
834 – Pushing the boundaries for robust and high-throughput single cell analysis with Whisper Flow technology powered by dia-PASEFBekker-Jensen, Mrs Dorte, Evosep Biosystems
825 – Precision Proteomic Landscape of health-to-disease transitions of Rheumatic Musculoskeletal disorders and links to Cancer associate irAEsStensballe, Assoc. Prof. Allan, Aalborg University
503 – High-throughput (phospho)proteomics drug screening in triple-negative breast cancer cell lines uncovers targetable nodes for rational drug combination therapiesEmdal, Asst. Prof. Kristina Bennet, University Of Copenhagen
486 – Automated sample preparation for human plasma proteomics by SP3Sielaff, Mr. Malte, University Medical Center Mainz
592 – Multiplexed deep plasma profiling using a novel high-resolution accurate mass spectrometerAlbrecht, Mr. Vincent, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
774 – Standardized and fully automated profiling of plasma and extracellular vesicles integrated with Evosep One enables large scale clinical cohort analysisVej-Nielsen, Dr. Joel, Evosep Biosystems
786 – Investigating the plasma proteome of people living with HIV (PLHIV) with ARVassociated acute kidney injury in a South African cohortMokoena, Miss Rethabile, CSIR/University Of The Witwatersrand
418 – Comparative Study of LC-MRM Platforms for the Quantification of Core- Fucosylated AFP Glycopeptides in the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)Suh, Mr. Hanseul, Seegene Medical Foundation
472 – Optimization of LC-MRM Method for the Quantification of Core-Fucosylated AFP Glycopeptide Using Evosep One and Triple Quad 6500+ systemPark, Ms. Juri, Seegenemedical
258 – Mass spectrometry-based profiling of small FFPE tissue areasFraefel, Mr. Marius, Technical University of Munich
543 – Exploring sample preparation methods for plasma proteomicsVendrell, Dr. Iolanda Centre of Translational Proteomics Discovery Proteomics/Cellular Proteomics; TDI-NDMRB, University of Oxford
579 – Pushing DIA proteomics analyses of neat plasma to 1000 protein groups ID/hSchmit, Mr. Pierre-Olivier, Bruker France
652 – Multi-omics profiling of metastatic spread in a large breast cancer patient cohortMosquim Junior, Mr. Sergio Department Of Immunotechnology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
145 – Integrating Multiplex Staining and Multiplex-DIA: Profiling the Tumor Microenvironment Proteome for Precision Cancer ResearchZheng, Dr. Xiang University Of Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center For Protein Research


This year you can meet both representatives from our Applications-, Management-, Sales- and Product team. Learn a little bit about the team at HUPO here. 

Nicolai Bache

Nicolai Bache

Head of Applications

Dorte Bekker-Jensen

Dorte Bekker-Jensen

Senior Scientist

Joel Vej-Nielsen

Joel Vej-Nielsen


Michael BarRett Andersen

Michael BarRett Andersen

Head of Product Management

Erik Verschuuren

Erik Verschuuren

Head of Global Sales


(May 2023) Evosep Launches End-to-End Proteomics Workflow, Setting a new Standard for Automated Sample Preparation

At ASMS 2023 Evosep, a leading provider of innovative solutions for proteomics research, proudly announces the release of End-to-End Proteomics Workflow. 


Singapore – AOHUPO (May 9th, 2023). Evosep is pleased to announce a new co-marketing partnership with Cellenion. This partnership will enable researchers to access a complete solution for single-cell proteomics, combining Evosep’s cutting-edge liquid chromatography technology with Cellenion’s advanced single-cell isolation and sample preparation platform.

(March 2023) Evosep and Resyn Biosciences partner to integrate their technologies into new clinical proteomics solutions

ReSyn Biosciences and Evosep have recently demonstrated several joint solutions thatintegrate automated sample purification with liquid chromatography coupled mass spectrometry.


We are always open to answering questions and form new collaborations, so don’t hesitate to reach out. Fill out our contact form and we’ll do our very best to assist you.

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