Standardization is key
1. Introducing EvosepWe are getting a lot of questions about Evosep these days. To fill you in, we would like to share our thoughts on frequently asked questions about Evosep – and hopefully provide some inspiration to how our technology will support your research.
Towards a standardized omics solution
At Evosep we aim to improve quality of life and patient care by radically innovating how protein based clinical diagnostics are performed. Our solutions aim to make clinical proteomics 100 times more robust and 10 times faster. We target the growing need for throughput with robust solutions for clinical and large-scale proteomics, in order to bring the community closer to the clinic.
In our recent field study, we gained insights to the current needs within the industry and tried to locate potential bottle necks in the sample preparation.
The Results are Clear
More than 70 scientists shared their thoughts and listed robustness of the LC as a major challenge in large-scale proteomic workflows followed by sample preparation, MS robustness and data analysis. Revisit the main conclusions from our first survey here
Standardization is Key
We believe that establishing standardized, future-proof protocols is key to increase the adoption of proteomics in a clinical setting and proteome sciences will hugely benefit from this. Read more
What Matters to YOU in your proteomics research?
We would love to learn more about you and your research so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us with your questions, comments or feedback.