Bruker TimsTOF pro teams
up with the Evosep One
By Team Evosep
Bruker timsTOF Pro teams up with the Evosep One
Bruker’s new press release announce the integration of the Evosep One with Brukers timsTOF Pro mass spectrometer for high sensitivity proteomics.
At Evosep we have worked with Bruker to develop short methods specially for large cohort study and this novel combination of the timsTOF and the Evosep One delivers sensitivity and high throughput for lable free quantitation of ~1,200 proteins in ~5 minutes.
“The Evosep One is a novel chromatography system for large cohort proteomics, optimized for >200 samples/day and > 90% MS utilization”, Bruker press release from Pittcon 2018.
Here at Evosep we are excited on the initial results and the future potential of clinical proteomics.
Read more about this novel integration in the Bruker Press release
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