MS connections

Here you can learn more about the different compatibility options available for the Evosep One

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MS Connections

The Evosep One system is supplied with connection to one MS and one ion source of choice. If you are looking for additional connection kits, the overview is listed here and detailed below.

Thermo EASY-Spray

The Thermo Scientific EASY-Spray adapter (EV1072) connects the analytical focusing column to a replaceable emitter with an integrated ZDV liquid junction inside the high-voltage click and spray mechanism.

It is used with the Thermo Scientific EASY-Spray ion source (ES081, ES082) and Evosep emitters (EV1086, EV1087 and EV1111).

Thermo Nanospray Flex

The Thermo Scientific EASY-Spray adapter (EV1085) connects the analytical focusing column to a replaceable emitter with an integrated ZDV liquid junction.

It is used with the Thermo Scientific Nanospray Flex ion source (ES071, ES072) and Evosep emitters (EV1086, EV1087 and EV1111).

Agilent nanoESI

The Agilent sleeve adapter (EV1116) connects the analytical focusing column to a replaceable emitter with an integrated ZDV liquid junction inside the Nanodapter sleeve.

It is used with the Agilent Nanospray ion source (G1992A) and Evosep metal emitter (EV1117). An Agilent Nanoadapter kit containing both the sleeve adapter and the metal emitter can be ordered (EV1130).

Bruker Captive Spray

Captive spray emitters are bought through Bruker and fits our analytical columns (1865710  Captive Spray Emitter (ZDV) 20 µm ID, 8204500 Stainless steel union (1/16″-through-hole union with hex handle) and 1865691 Captive Spray Emitter (ZDV) 10 µm ID). 

Sciex OptiFlow

SteadySpray emitters are bought through Sciex and fits our open ended analytical columns (5070382 SteadySpray Nano Electrode 100nL/min – 1uL/min5061574 SteadySpray Electrode Low Micro 1-10µL/min and 5066025  SteadySpray Micro Probe 1-50µL/min).