Targeted workflows

Targeted workflows are efficiently used to detect specific peptide ions to verify and validate specific biological hypotheses. 

Combined with recent years technological advancements, this has led to the expansion of targeted strategies, which offer high sensitivity, quantitative accuracy and reproducibility.

Why targeted workflows? 

Targeted proteomics is ideal for hypothesis-based studies of a subset of proteins with high sensitivity, quantitative accuracy and reproducibility.

These workflows have gained in popularity, especially to detect established biomarkers for several applications. An increased focus, along with technological advancements is continuously pushing the limits for high-throughput targeted analysis.

The Evosep One is specifically designed for clinical applications, where robustness and reproducibility are key priorities. With very high retention time reproducibility, it is the ideal front-end solution for robust and high-throughput targeted workflows.

Robust and Reproducible Protein Quantification in Plasma 

In collaboration with Agilent technologies, we highlight the reproducibility, robustness, and analytical sensitivity of MRM-based LC/MS analysis of human plasma proteins using the Agilent 6495 triple quadrupole LC/MS with the Evosep One.

The results demonstrate superior retention time reproducibility over a 12-day analysis period, and equivalent sensitivity before and after robustness testing, underlining the suitability of the system for high-throughput protein quantification.

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Case study  I  Rapid Novor

Evosep One Delivers High Throughput and Performance Consistency

At Rapid Novor they are using the power of LCMS to transform patient care. Their groundbreaking diagnostic test, EasyM, is making a real difference in the lives of patients with multiple myeloma—a blood cancer that requires precise monitoring and treatment.

With EasyM , Zac McDonald and his colleagues at Rapid Novor have swapped invasive biopsies with accesible serum based methods for sensitive disease monitoring.


In collaboration with Rapid Novor and University of Waterloo, the Trudel group describes the development of a two step non-invasive MS-based assay, called EasyM.

This assy  is used to assess minimal residual disease, a measure of depth of remission to treatment, which has become an important parameter in assessing the disease burden in multiple myeloma.

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high-throughput doping control with the Evosep One using the High organic method

Doping is a significant problem in horse racing and sport testing laboratories run tens of thousands of samples per year. Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) represent one of the most frequent detected classes of prohibited substances in doping controls due to their long-lasting beneficial effects on performance.

In collaboration with LCH-GIE France, we have developed the High Organic Method, specifically designed to detect stanozolol and its phase I metabolites in challenging matrices such as horse urine and hair. This is the first Evosep One method for small-molecule analysis.


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Targeted workflows WITH EVOSEP ONE

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Targeted workflows have gained in popularity, especially to detect established biomarkers for several applications. An increased focus, along with technological advancements is continuously pushing the limits for high-throughput targeted analysis.

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application note
Evosep One solves the proteomics dilemma – covering high throughput analysis and proteome depth
Case Study
Rapid Novor: Evosep One delivers high throughput and performance consistency in a clinical proteomics lab
application note
end-to-end, fully automated digestion protocol and evotip pure workflow on the opentrons ot-2
application note
fully automated, rapid, robust sample loading on evotip pure with the agilent assaymap bravo
EVOSEP ONE: A Standardized Separation
Tool for Clinical Omics

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