Clinical research 

Clinical biochemistry laboratories worldwide measure millions of samples daily from various body fluids such as blood and urine.

A growing part of these analyses is already performed with LCMS, especially diagnostic niches of laboratory medicine, where the analytical specificity of LCMS is superior to immunoassays.

Technological advancements

Innovation is a community effort and new technology plays a huge role in defining what is possible. Recent technological advancements combined with an increased interest in clinical research has pushed the limits of what is now possible within routine analysis using LCMS.

More robust solutions are a key factor in clinical research, where researchers continuously challenge the sensitivity of their workflows to be able to accurately measure both large and small biological changes across large sample cohorts.

The technology available for clinical research is in rapid development and the future potential for this field is looking very promising. Routine analysis and standardized workflows have already been implemented in many labs around the globe.

What is needed to make the transition
to LCMS in a clinical setting? 

In order to add value in a clinical setting, there are a number of key criteria for LCMS workflows to be accepted and approved.

Most importantly, these workflows must be simple, robust and preferably built on automation to limit handling variations. Secondly, all instrumentation used should be standardized and robust for everyday use and provide the same results across laboratories.

With these considerations in mind and instrumentation developed specifically for clinical proteomics, LCMS workflows can successfully be transitioned to the clinic.


So what do we mean when we say
clinical proteomics? 

Clinical proteomics is a broad topic from discovery proteomics to clinical diagnostics for informing clinical decision making. 

In this video Founder of Evosep Ole vorm elaborates on our thoughts on clinical proteomics and what is needed to bring LCMS into the clinic.

We believe that the Evosep One is a great asset in routine analysis as it offers a standardized platform with sensitive and reproducible workflows that can be combined with automated sample preparation.

The Trudel group at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre


In collaboration with Rapid Novor and University of Waterloo, the Trudel group at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto have developed a non-invasive MS-based test to assess minimal residual disease (MRD), a measure of depth of remission to treatment, which has become an important parameter in assessing the disease burden in multiple myeloma.

In conclusion, they have developed and validated a non-invasive, sensitive, personalized assay that is ideal for frequent monitoring of multiple myeloma patients in complete remission. They hope to further develop their assay, allowing to sequence more than one M-protein and improve the sensitivity even further.

Learn more about their results in our blog post here

Odense University hospital and the mann lab


In collaboration with Odense University Hospital in Denmark, the Mann group at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research have developed a machine learning model based on their biomarker panel, which for the first time outperforms existing tests, laying the foundation for a generic proteomics liver health assessment.

With ongoing improvements in technology, they expect an increase in performance of their model. Targeted or ‘global targeted’ MS-based assays could be developed to retain the full specificity of this technology. An additional benefit of plasma proteomic profiling is its generic nature, meaning that it provides additional information apart from the targeted panel.

Learn more about their results in our blog post here

Clinical research in the future

With the rapid development and maturing of technologies used in clinical applications in a routine setting we are convinced that we are just in the beginning of what will be possible in this field.

LCMS has the potential to become a more prominent key technology in many fields within the clinical biochemistry laboratory as these workflows, when combined with automation offer 24/7 availability.

In the videos we have asked pioneers from the industry for their 2 minute take on the future of proteomics. Hear from:

  • Professor Matthias Mann, Group Leader at Mann Lab, The Max Planck Institute
  • Professor Phil Robinson, Head of Cell Signalling Unit and Co-Director of ProCan at the Children’s Medical Research Institute
  • Dr. Thomas Conrads, Co-Principal Investigator and Chief Scientific Officer of the Department of Defense Gynecologic Cancer Center of Excellence

“So, when we say clinical, we mean that we designed the Evosep One to be really fast and robust. Once you’re in the clinic you would have hundreds if not thousands of samples that are stacked up and need to be analysed on a very tight schedule. So it is important that the system works every day.”

Ole Vorm, Founder of Evosep




MEET OUR USERS in clinical research and learn how they have implemented Evosep One for routine analysis

Evosep One in the Clinical Biochemistry Lab


In this webinar, you can meet users working in a clinical biochemistry laboratory and learn about their work and how they have implemented the Evosep One for routine analyses.

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application note
Evosep One solves the proteomics dilemma – covering high throughput analysis and proteome depth
application note
end-to-end, fully automated digestion protocol and evotip pure workflow on the opentrons ot-2
application note
fully automated, rapid, robust sample loading on evotip pure with the agilent assaymap bravo
EVOSEP ONE: A Standardized Separation
Tool for Clinical Omics

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