Antimicrobial resistance
The development of antimicrobial resistance is limiting the number of antibiotics that can be used to successfully treat infections leaving antibiotics increasingly ineffective.
Explore how our customers have used the Evosep One to develop new and rapid methods for the identification of bacteria species and their antimicrobial resistance mechanisms.

Why use LCMS to determine antimicrobial resistance?
Antibiotics are used to kill microorganisms or preventing them from growing. However, every time an antimicrobial medicine is used, it increases the possibility for the bacteria to become resistant for all patients. This eventually leads to antimicrobial resistance, where bacteria are no longer killed by antibiotics.
With an increased global use and misuse of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine, the antimicrobial resistance is steadily increasing, threatening the effective prevention and treatment of a range of infections.
In order to meet increasing antimicrobial resistance, fast and robust methods on the Evosep One is the ideal match to quickly identify the specific underlying bacteria infection to aid prescription of the most effective treatment strategy.
the Dekker group, Erasmus MC University Medical Center
Targeted LC-MS/MS for accurate and rapid detection of aminoglycoside resistance mechanisms
Aminoglycosides are a group of antibiotics that can be used for intravenous treatment of patients with a wide range of infections. Though considered an older type of antibiotics, the increase in antimicrobial resistance led to a renewed interest inamino glycosides and in the development of newer ones.
In this publication the Dekker group describes the development of an accurate and rapid targeted LC-MS/MS assay based on parallel reaction monitoring for detection of the most prevalent aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes and 16S rRNA methyltransferases in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae that confer resistance to aminoglycosides.
They argue that this method fits this purpose as they were able to detect specific peptides of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms with high accuracy.
Read full publication here

Develop rapid and accurate workflows to determine antimicrobial resistance using the six standard methods
Using the right method for your research is key. The Evosep One provides a standardized solution that comes with six standard methods ready-to-use. with these methods you can cover a broad range of applications to ensure the right balance of proteome coverage versus throughput for your experiments.
For detection of Antimicrobial resistance the 100SPD and 200SPD method offer the ideal choice as you are able to achieve excellent sequencing speed with most peptides per minute and attain a great run-to-run reproducibility.
When time is of the essence
One way to provide correct treatment and slow down the development of antimicrobial resistance is to assay the susceptibility profile of the infecting bacteria before treatment is initiated and let this information guide the choice of antibiotic.
This calls for efficient workflows and rapid methods in order to speed up the downstream data analysis and time is of the essence in order to bring this to the clinic. If the resistance is not discovered this could potentially lead to inappropriate empirical therapy, delay in starting effective treatment, and the use of less effective, more toxic, and more expensive drugs.

the Dekker group, Erasmus MC University Medical Center
Accurate Detection of the Four Most Prevalent Carbapenemases in E. coli and K. pneumoniae by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Many resistance determinations are done using phenotypic growth inhibition assays which delay the time to result and the long turnaround times remain an issue.
This “proof of concept” study by the Dekker group at Erasmus MC shows the potential of targeted high resolution MS using the 100SPD method to detect different resistance mechanisms. Accurate detection of KPC, OXA-48-like, NDM and VIM carbapenemases.
Read full publication here
Identification of bacterial species responsible for Urinary Tract infections (UTIs) relies on a long step of bacterial culture (24-48h) prior to MALDI-TOF analysis. During this time, patients receive broad-spectrum antibiotics which increase the occurrence of new bacterial resistances in the whole population
In this presentation Florence Roux-Dalvai, researcher at Université Laval in Quebec, demonstrates that ultrafast LC-MSMS-DIA analyses (5 min) and automated learning algorithms can be combined to discriminate among the most commonly found bacterial species in UTIs with a high accuracy and without the need of a long bacterial culture step.
MEET OUR USERS and learn how they have implemented Evosep One for detection of antimicrobial resistance
Rapid detection of antimicrobial resistance with the Evosep One
Available on demand
Accurate and rapid diagnostic tools are required to detect antimicrobial resistance and LCMSMS can unlock new possibilities.
Learn how Evosep One can be used for ultrafast bacterial identification when we invite users from Erasmus MC and Université Laval to share their work in this month’s webinar.
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Find all publications, product brochures and presentations with Evosep One
application note
Evosep One solves the proteomics dilemma – covering high throughput analysis and proteome depth
application note
end-to-end, fully automated digestion protocol and evotip pure workflow on the opentrons ot-2
application note
fully automated, rapid, robust sample loading on evotip pure with the agilent assaymap bravo

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