Paving the way for clinical proteomics

By Team Evosep

Paving the way for clinical proteomics

This month we have been promoting a survey asking lab users within the field to share their thoughts on what matters in clinical proteomics. We see innovation as a community effort, and we look forward to share the results back with you.

Supporting this, we are happy to welcome Dorte Bekker-Jensen to the Evosep team as our new Senior Scientist. Working with Evosep in her previous work, she is already an experienced user with a special focus on what is needed to bring the community closer to the clinic. She will join our development team developing and validating methods and applications for the Evosep One.

Dorte has a background as a  Laboratory Technician an has been working with mass spectrometry based proteomics for over 10 years. 

New colleagues to the Evosep team

Dorte is not the only new face at Evosep. Last month we also welcomed Laurent Rieux as our new North American Product Specialist and Thomas Nielsen joined the Production team.

Thomas is a Laboratory Technician specialized with testing and assembly of lab instruments.

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